
Surrender is the Theme

Surrender is the Theme

One of the most common themes I see coming in 2019 is confusion around surrender. We each have many things to surrender from many areas in our lives daily. Our relationships, finances, health and so on. I’m seeing the lessons getting bigger this year and more in our faces for many people. Of course, you need someone or something to surrender roadblocks to. God, a higher power, whatever you call it. Knowing that the divine is always working on our behalf whether we like the situation and outcome or not.

Surrender doesn’t mean we throw weapons down and lay on the ground. It means we do our best in each situation and what we can’t change we turn over.

The interesting part and perhaps most useful is observing the synergy between our surrender lessons and that of others. Often in family situations an adult child will have an issue with their parents and then their children do with them. Observe the synergies in your own life whether it’s work or home or health. We almost always have many multiple lessons going on at the same time. They are all interconnected on some level.

We also surrender in layers or different levels. The ultimate surrender is saying, “I have this issue, but I”m not going to poke at it or try to fix it.”.

To allow ourselves to be where we are. If we are in a state of fear or not being able to forgive or whatever, try to just let it be and pray for an answer to come.

A while back I ran into a guy that used to work for me and he asked what’s going on. Without thinking I told him I was spending a lot of time in the return line. He said, “What you been buying?” I explained I had been surrendering issues to God and taking them back so I had lots of returns to make. We concluded better to return often than hold on to things we can’t control and then let it decrease our joy.

Sometimes you may have to surrender something 10 times a day and this allows us to allow ourselves to be where we are whether we like the situation or not.

Big lessons on living in the moment……..Chop wood….Carry water…Be the doing, NOT do the being.

Love and Allow
