Other Services

Other Services

Other Servies

Explore spiritual guidance to enhance your life.

Releasing Tools

Learn tools to help you release anger, fear, sadness and any other emotions or situations that need to be let go. Tools include basics of the Sedona Method, Emotional Freedom Technique, Qi Gong releasing and EMDR.

Business Consulting

Profile your employees and gain insight into business decisions and direction.

Customized Spiritual Program

Think of Andrew as your personal tour guide on your current path. Andrew will channel from Spirit what you need at this moment in time to continue your journey. This often includes a customized daily spiritual practice including meditation, yoga and other spiritual and mind/body tools. This will include any healing you need to undertake at this time. Your program will be directly channeled from Source and your Higher Self.

Sedona Vortex Tours

Andrew takes small groups of people into the life changing energy of the vortexes in Sedona, Arizona. You will receive a healing, reading, spiritual lesson or a combination of these depending on what Spirit determines you need. In these vortexes, your healing will be amplified due to the power of the vortex energy.

This is one of the most beautiful places on earth with some of the most intense spiritual energy.

Past Life Readings

Many people have found that past life information is healing. By knowing the past life events that caused your emotions to be trapped, you are then free to let those emotions go, and move forward in more healthy ways. Andrew can bring through the events of past lives that are affecting your current life and release the trapped energy to allow you to live more fully in the present. The release also stops you from repeating the unhealthy patterns that were based on the negative emotion you were holding.

Public Mediumship Events

Gather family and friends for a public gathering of 10 or more people to bring through messages from spirit. This is done in a style similar to John Edward or Theresa Caputo. Andrew will share messages from departed loved ones and spirit in a group setting bringing through healing words and energy. Messages from spirit can always apply to more than one person so everyone leaves with loving guidance.

Private House Parties

Andrew will come to your home and give individual 15 or 30 minute readings. Private house parties are limited to two hours in length. This is a great way to be with friends and family and receive individual healing and guidance from spirit.

Animal Communication

Andrew has the ability to communicate with animals too. Animals are just as unique and sensitive as people and can have a wide range of issues. Sometimes these issues are easily fixed when the animal can communicate their problem. Andrew can communicate with them and bring healing just as he does with people.

Meditation CD

Andrew channeled an amazing chakra clearing exercise that balances your energy and strengthens and protects your auric field. He also channeled a technique that releases negativity into the Earth and replaces it with divine love. Using this meditation on a regular basis can bring physical, emotional and spiritual wellness. Contact Andrew to purchase this cd.

Following is Lori’s testimonial about Andrew’s the meditation:

“This meditation CD blew me away. Every time I listen to it I not only hear something new, but gain a different benefit. In a mere 20 minutes Andrew manages to help clear your chakras and takes you to the place you need to be that day. He has helped me set protection, clear energy and some days simply relax into the meditation. This is my go-to meditation now. Thank you Andrew for this special gift you have shared.” Lori

Meditation CD

Contact Us

Work with Andrew Keith to get the spiritual guidance you need.

To learn more about what’s best for you, call: 440-341-6101